I am constantly amazed at the number of people who are still not aware of this awesome resource. For a long time I was constantly envying the big-budget ministry across the street’s awesome t-shirts, logos, etc. and was convinced they had a top dollar graphics person on staff. I know it’s hard to believe, but I was breaking one of the commandments because of another ministry. Then I discovered iStock, and was delivered.
Maybe that is a little much, but after a couple of browses through their catalogue you begin to see how pervasive this is in the world of graphic design. For five bucks (or more for higher quality images) you get an amazing, professional image that you can throw your text on and call it a day, and with over three million images, it is practically impossible to not find something you can use.
The best thing you can do right now is go surf around the iStock collection and see how awesome their stuff really is. Hint: Sort results by downloads to pull the best images to the top.
Before you go, here’s a little sample of what 10 minutes of searching and a bit of text can do:
I appreciate the resource . . . .
I actually like Stock Exchange better, because it’s free. You can check it out at http://www.sxc.com.
Great site! The correct url is: http://www.sxc.hu/