I’m watching TV a couple of nights ago and saw an ad for Microsoft that was interesting, and (I know this is hard to believe with the recent Seinfeld ads) showed off the real strength of Microsoft. This ad seems not to be merely a response, but an evolution beyond the Apple campaign (although not nearly as funny) because it is not focused on comparison.
Now, it may be that I’m a just a youth ministry geek, but the more I pondered the two ad campaigns (Apple’s “I’m a mac” and Microsoft’s “I’m a PC”) I realized that they would be the perfect illustration for a talk about identity. Each of these companies have their own unique set of gifts. Apple is the hip guy on the block that is perfect for the creative crowd while Microsoft is the one-size fits all machine that is everywhere (I know I am over-simplifying here).
I think these ads display a truth that God has been saying for generations and that we are constantly trying to give breath to for our teens: God has given us gifts and wants us to use them to reflect His light into the world. You and I know we can’t do that until we see God’s craftsmanship in our own lives, but once we do… once we embrace who God has made us to be, we can stop comparing and start living out God’s desire for us.
Here’s the Microsoft PC ad that may make you remember why you’ve still got one, or as it is in my case, why you had one to begin with: