3D Bible

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December 8, 2008

The geek in me loves this.  A friend of mine and her husband are in the process of learning Argentine Sign Language.  Their long-term goal is to translate the Bible using 3D animation.  Here is a slice from an email she sent me,

“The idea is to have a stationary avatar signing the Scriptures. Up until now people have tried to use stationary 2D animations (drawings) to represent a 3D language. This is really new in the world of Bible translation and very little has been produced (almost nothing!). They/we (Wycliffle Bible Translators) are in the huge learning curve as far as the software is concerned (it’s a bit complex). Ultimately, the end user will be the deaf, so it needs to be a pretty straight forward kind of software.”

This looks amazing.  Here is link to who is doing this http://www.wordsign.org. Check out this link to see a demo of the 3d animation http://www.wordsign.org/demos.html.



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