Free TV Online

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December 5, 2008

I know more and more people who are giving up their cable subscriptions and opting to watch tv from the internet.  Some are doing this to simplify their lives, others to save a few bucks.  I have been thinking about this myself.  Josh, over at is living this right now, give his reviews of best sites for this.  Here are his thoughts:

Hulu – this is the best of the bunch. Hulu is definitely the leader in online television, having worked out deals with multiple networks. The interface is super clean and works flawlessly, the queue feature stacks up shows you subscribe to in order so you never have to change the channel – the shows you want to watch just keep on coming. All this and tons of 720p HD offerings and even full length movies. Rate the commercials, lower lights, pop-out windows, embedding of videos anywhere on the web … a totally impressive experience. A+

NBC – the official website for the NBC network doesn’t get much love in my opinion. Though you can watch a ton of different shows in full length, there is nothing here that isn’t done better online somewhere else. They should just send everything to Hulu. C

CBS – there’s a few shows you can only get on the web (legally) from CBS’s official website. They’ve got a great video player, social viewing rooms and the quality is great. I like CBS, but sometimes have trouble when viewing full screen and it crops off the bottom half of the picture. Too bad I just don’t watch that many shows on CBS, but that’s another story altogether. B

ABC – ABC’s online player is absolutely impressive. At full screen, the video plays super smoothly and sometimes could fool you you’re watching a 720p TV signal. While the interface is impressive, it takes a little longer than the other to load and “click on to continue” comercials totally break up the experience. Still though, great looking TV shows (LOST next month) help pull this one up to almost awesome. A-

Sling – a slick new site that entered Beta (think early release for final testing) this week. Slick interface, limited ads, looks great full screen. It has the potential, but not quite there yet. B+

Joost – This is an interesting brand new one, with some great CBS content and some channels around personalities rather than a network. Behind the game, especially with Hulu running the table. B

Of all of them, I think Hulu is still the best, it’s fast and reliable.  If this is something you are in to you might want to check out Boxee (sorry it’s only for Mac and Linux) it allows you to access online video through your computer or tv.  I think I have a few invites left if they are still requiring them.  Also don’t forget about streaming Netflix if you are a subscriber.

1 Comment

  1. Erik w/a "k"

    Hook a brother up with some Boxee would ya? Great review BTW!



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