Our church is beginning (I know we are behind the curve) to get all the upper level ministry staff to blog. The problem with beginning anything tech in our church is that we have a huge variance in tech-savvyness among our staff members. After looking at a lot of different solutions, we decided that the easiest tool was Google’s blogger. At that point, we created a training to get from what we considered absolute zero (going to blogger.com in their web browser) to having a fully functional blog. As part of that we made a short publication (with pictures!) that would walk them through step by step after they finished the training.
It’s my experience that the young, hip youth minister is often asked for computer help, and if you ever need to get someone to start/maintain a blog you might be able to use this premade handout. I put the PDF here if you would like it, feel free to edit to your heart’s content or claim it as your own!