Everyone’s favorite social network turns 5 years old today. It’s come a long way the past few years, a lot of people never thought it could catch up to the mighty MySpace. In order to celebrate FaceBook has added a special free gift in their gift shop to give to people. I can’t believe that my son and FaceBook are the same age. Checkout this great post that shows facebook through the years: FaceBook turns 5.
For those that don’t think FaceBook is the powerhouse that it is here are a few stats:
- 15 million users update their statuses at least once each day
- 850 million photos are uploaded to the site each month
- 24 million pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photos, etc.) are shared each month
- 3.5 million users become fans of Pages each day
- The average user has 120 Facebook friends
Those just blow me away. It’s an amazing tool for connecting people. We recently had a tragedy strike our ministry and it was amazing to see people supporting and lifting each other up there.
How are you using it in your ministry?