Kindle 2.0

February 9, 2009

Amazon announced the revamped Kindle today.  They made a lot of changes to the hardware, and it looks like they are for the better.  It’s super thin and the buttons don’t look like they get in the way like they did on the original.

It doesn’t ship until the end of this month, and I sure wish I was on the list to get one.

There was a rumor that Amazon was going to start selling Kindle books for other mobile devices (like the iphone and ipod touch), but it didn’t come today.  Although it was hinted at, so maybe it will still happen.  I love the idea of reading books on my phone, I used to read books on my old iPaq and it was great.  One of the biggest draws to the Kindle for me is the variety and the pricing of the books.  They have by far the biggest selection and are way cheaper than other ebooks available from other sites.

Anyone else out there think a Kindle is in their future?

1 Comment

  1. Dave

    I like how I ordered a Kindle 1 back in the beginning of December and haven’t got it yet, but will be getting the Kindle 2 on the first shipment…woot!


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