I am always on the prowl for good leadership resources: books, dvd’s, mp3’s, etc. When I attend a conference I often buy sessions and workshops that I could not attend at sites like these ($3.50-$30):
National Youth Ministry Conference (Now the Simply Youth Ministry Conference)
National Youth Workers Convention
Founders Week at Moody Bible
Maybe a conference is not in your budget but you still need to pause and refresh in the office by popping in a few good leadership dvd’s ($150-$200):
Willow Creek Leadership Summit
If you are willing to spend a little more and looking for a more versatile resource you should check out Catalyst Filter.com. For $144 you get a one-year membership to online content from Catalyst. You will have access to downloads, audio and video from Catalyst, and some perks (like 10% off at the apple store – that is better than the educational discount). FILTER also includes the quarterly “Aqua Box” containing all types of resources (pre-release books, CDs, DVDs, magazines, and more).
Maybe your budget is to tight for any of the above. There are free resources all over the web. Here are some podcast and good online content (FREE):
These link will open up a podcast in iTunes (you need iTunes for these links to work)
Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast
Catalyst Podcast
Remember that many churches post their sermons for free online. You have access to the world’s best communicators at your fingers.