I must make a confession, I love jokes and playing pranks on people, but unfortunately for me I’m one of those people that always has stuff backfire. I was reminded today about an Aprils Fools joke I tried to play on my office a few years back that didn’t work out like I thought it would.
I was working as a network administrator for a small company, and we had just started supporting Macs as option for users. Those that had them loved them, and those that didn’t were split into the “I wish I had one” and “don’t make me use one” camps. I didn’t really realize how strong the feelings on both sides of this issue were. I thought it would be funny to send out an email detailing out our plans to transition the entire company over to Macs. I included a time line and schedule for when the transition would take place. I figured it wouldn’t take long for people to realize that it was April 1st and it was all a joke. But no, people didn’t catch on very quickly. After the email, some departments began to celebrate, and I immediately got responses back from people that were not going to switch and they wanted me to know it. Even some of the company executives that would have had to be part of the decision were taken in by it and wanted to setup meetings about how this would effect their departments. Even my boss was taken in by it.
I quickly had to confess that it was just joke. April Fools everyone. For many it was a relief, but those that were celebrating the switch were not as amused.
Oh well, I thought it was funny.
Anyone else have any pranks that backfired?
my boyfriend played a cruel and unforgiving joke on me. my granddaughter got a hold of a permenant marker and you know did her artistic colorings on the walls. my boyfriend said he was so upset that i had to move out. i turned around and started to cry. he felt like such an ass.