After thinking about the latest Macheist, seeing all the tweets touring the great deals, and the new, amazing apps unlocked by selling enough to donate over $400,000 to charity, I caved. Boy am I glad I did! I found an amazing RSS reader app. To call Times an RSS reader is like calling “Pride (In the Name of Love)” by U2 a song or calling Michelangelo’s Pieta a sculpture..
I love all the news sites and blogs that are available on the internet, but consuming that information has been tedious at best. The problem is that most RSS readers present the content in something more akin to an e-mail reader. That would be great if I wanted or needed to attend to all of the pieces of all the RSS feeds I was interested in, but I don’t. For me RSS is much closer to a Newspaper. There are generally a couple of articles on each site that I care to read, a couple that I’d like to scan and well over half that I do not care about at all. I need something to help me browse the feeds I’m interested in, and Times does that with flying colors.
Times takes the RSS feeds you program as well as several that come preloaded (Digg, NYTimes, Engadget, etc.) and presents them in an intuitive, attractive newspaper layout. Depending on where the feed is located, they either show previews or titles, and if you want a couple more from a specific feed, there is a “show more” button at the bottom of the section that will fetch several more articles from the feed.
When you click on a feed, the browsing interface slides down and the article loads in the reader, but don’t worry, if you want to read it on the original site, just click the title. Another handy feature is a “shelf” where you can place articles that you want to save or read later.
If you haven’t figured it out, I love this app! It has solved a problem and alowed me to sift through all the boring infomation available online and find all the stuff I’m interested in. It’s well worth checking out. Visit Acrylic software for all the details.