Do you have young kids in your ministry or at home that are into video, photos or putting presentations? Apple offers free day camps for kids 8 – 12 to teach them the basics. Here’s how they describe them:
This summer, your kid could make a movie, create a photo slideshow, write and record a song, put on a show for everyone, and have a blast doing it all. At Apple Camp, kids learn how to do cool stuff on a Mac and discover their hidden talents along the way. Apple Camp occurs at every Apple Retail Store, and each free workshop lasts three hours. Sign up your kid today and get ready for an adventure.
All the camps are at their retails stores, and sure they are probably workshop / product promotion, but your kids could still learn some cool skills and it may encourage a budding artist. It could be a great way to start training some jr higher’s to lead your media ministry. My daughter is excited to take the photo class.
Check them out at the Apple’s Camp Website.