Thoughts on Comic-Con 2009

July 31, 2009


Last week I spent 4 days at San Diego Comic-Con, and thought I would share a few thoughts I had about my experience at Geek Mecca.

  • Geeks come in all shapes and sizes, but even though there were 130,000 people I never saw anyone disgruntled, except for maybe the security people that were trying to control the lines.  There didn’t seem to be any us against them or rivalries going on, old or young, big or small, twilight or potter, Star Wars or Star Trek, everyone was excepted for who they were.  If only our youth groups were as open.
  • Anyone who works with teenager girls should know Bella, Edward and Jacob are.  Twilight is huge.  Watch for it to land in your youth group this fall.  There were girls that got in line 18 hours before the Twilight Panel to make sure they got in to see the stars of the film.
  • James Cameron’s Avatar is going to be huge…or the biggest flop in years.
  • Most of the stars get it and realize that these fans can make or break their project.  It’s cool seeing them embrace the geek culture.  My brush with the stars included using the urinal next to Lou Ferrigno.
  • Gear that I noticed: Camera of choice: Cannon DSLR, Phone of choice: Studio Workers: Blackberry, Everyone else: iPhone.  I also saw a few G1s and Palm Pre’s.
  • If you put the word Exclusive in title people will line up for hours and spend an incredible amount of money on it (Toys, Statues, Posters, Bags, it doesn’t matter).  You can even pick up some of those “exclusives” on ebay without waiting in line.  (I might be a little guilty of this.)
  • I love the panels.  I really enjoyed listening to people who make so many of the great shows and movies I like talk about what’s it’s like producing them.  My favorite this year (that I made it too) was the Big Bang Theory. Next year I hope to make it to more of them.  It just makes me love these films and shows even more.
  • The 1980’s are alive and well.  Everywhere I looked was a memory from my childhood: Transformers, GI Joe, Star Wars, Tron, even V is making a comeback.  It’s great introducing my kids to them.

This was my 3rd year going, and I had an absolute blast.  Maybe next year we can have a YouthMinistryGeek Comic-Con meet up.  I’m already registered, so I’ll see you there.


  1. shawn

    V as in Voltron?

  2. Chris

    No, V the mini series about these lizard aliens that come to take over the earth. It was great, and the new one looks really good too, but the screening got mixed reviews.


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