Apple held an event today called “Back to the Mac”, I think they wanted to remind us they still make computers too. There are 100 sites of blogs talking about what they announced, so I’ll leave that to those that were actually there. But I thought I’d give you my take on the 3 big announcements they made.
1. iLife 2011 –
iPhoto: They enhanced the full screen view, which looks like it will be nicer to work in. They also added new templates for slide shows and books. These should be a welcome edition because I’m sure you’ve used the existing ones hundreds of times for those quick slide shows to show at the end of an event or in a service to show what the youth group is up to. The news ones look really nice, I’m excited to get to play with them in real life.
iMovie: One of the big improvements in iMovie is in the audio editing. This has been my biggest complaint and frustration since Apple moved away from the timeline approach to editing. This updated version allows for easier editing and volume control. (I can’t wait). They also added a new feature to make movie trailers. They looked really fun. I could totally see it as a fun way to make promo videos. I bet there are going to be a lot of movie trailer winter camp promo videos this year.
Garage Band: They made some improvements here with beat matching and some of the training, but since I’m not a musician it’s hard for me to give much commentary, but the demo looked good.
2. OS 10.8 Lion –
A couple big stories here. While nothing that’s going to change the way you do ministry, there are a few things that may help you save some time as you work. Too bad we have to wait till next summer to get our hands on it.
Mission Control, Launch Pad, Full Screen Apps: The story for me here was that is continuing to improve the way to switch windows, launch programs, and keep track of all the things we have open on our computers. I appreciate anything that can help streamline and organize my computer.
App Store: Apple hopes to do for apps on the Mac what the app store did for the iphone and ipad. I know some are concerned this will create a closed environment like on the iPhone, but I don’t think that apple will close out none app store apps, I think they are just trying to simplify it for a majority of it’s users. Hopefully it will make it a lot easier to find apps without searching all over the internet. Also I wonder if this will drive prices down just like in the mobile app store? It will be interesting to see.
FaceTime: This one you don’t really have to wait for. The beta is available HERE. It is what is sounds like. Video FaceTime calling to other computer or phones. I wonder if they’ll make a windows version someday. This will be a great way to call all those students with iPhones now won’t it.
3. MacBook Air
They’ve updated the Macbook Air line. They updated the existing 13.3 in model, plus added an 11.6. The best thing in my book is they have high resolution screens. I’ve also wanted a small computer with a super high res screen. The new Macbook Air is the closest thing yet. However I’m not sure they will fit in to many church budgets. They start at $999, but after looking at the configurations, it seems like a realistic price is $1400 for a machine that I’d be happy with.