Quick Look at BookBook

Gadgets | mobile
September 27, 2011

I have never been a fan of cases for my phones, laptops, or my iPad. Don’t get me wrong, I have seen some cool looking cases but my top values are 1) to protect my device and 2) to keep it as thin and light as possible. I use Zagg’s Invisible Shield for my iPhone and for my Droid and I have stuck with Apple’s iPad case, it is super thin and protects the screen…And then I met BookBook.

Twelvesouth’s BookBook is not the lightest or thinnest but its vintage appearance and feel are awesome and as a speaker it is comfortable to teach from.  I serve at a four generational church and I find that the BookBook conceals my iPad in a way that is less distracting to those around me.  In the past I have been confronted for texting during church when I was actually reading my iPhone Bible.  Now with BookBook no one knows I am on my iPad and I can get my Bejeweled on…jk.  For some of you this may not be a big deal but for others this could be the cover you have been looking for.  A Case that brings enough tradition to your iPad to make it useable for weddings, funerals, and hospital visits.

I have had my case for about two months and have enjoyed its form and function, and to be honest I have enjoyed the attention too.  Here are a few pros and cons of iPad BookBook…

•       Protection, inside (soft lining) and out (durable hardback).
•       Drool factor, people think it is a cool looking book, when they find out it is an iPad case they go nuts.
•       iPad becomes less distracting in a church service.
•       Zipper is super quiet (again, not distracting to others).
•       The smell…I love leather!

•       Bulky for a Backpack.
•       While there is a slick design for viewing angles (Pic #1) there’s no design angle for typing (Pic #2).
•       First gen iPad causes the back to curve.
•       Price. While the hardback leather case is worth $70 that maybe be steep for some.

Pic #1

Pic #2

To check out a full description and pick up a BookBook head over to twelvesouth.com.



  1. Youth Ministry Geek on BookBook for iPad: “Conceals in a way that is less distracting” « Twelve South Blog - [...] best apps out there are downright evangelical and so useful for sermons. So when Brandon Early of Youth Ministry…

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