Close to a week ago YS! Palooza was in my back yard and one of the sessions was led by Les Christie. Besides teaching us how to plan and execute game ideas in our ministries Les also introduced us to a web app called Wordle. Essentially it’s a tool that allows you to plug in words, choose your fonts, colors etc., and spits out an image like the one you see above. The more times you input a word, the larger it is displayed in the wordle. The Wordle you see here is made up from words found on this site. I’m just glad that Jesus name was larger than Doug Fields and David Crowder.
One of the suggestions that Les offered was using Wordles in Senior recognition services at your church. Collect the words from the students Facebook page and show the Wordles during the service! This was just one of the great ideas I picked up at Palooza. If you want more info about Palooza and when it is heading your direction check out their site here.
On you can make more images with your text.