iPad 3 First Few Days

April 19, 2012


Should you buy the new iPad? Well, I was very lucky that a church member wanted to buy 4 staff members at our church the newest edition. After a few days playing around on it I want to make a few comments on why you need an iPad even if you have an iPhone.

1. There are apps on my iPhone that I love, but never use because the screen size is not optimized for the application. The first being the WordPress app I am creating this post on. If you are a serious blogger, iPad is money! The square footage really maximizes the potential of apps like WordPress, Evernote, any “reader” app, and many more. I have fell in love with the same apps I had on my iPhone all over again.

2. Your students will think you are cool. NOT. But gathering students around an iPad for a teaching video in a small group, or having students register for camp on an iPad is way easier than an iPhone. The other night in small groups the iPad became a tool to draw students into conversation, and I wasn’t having to hold my hand near the speaker so everyone could hear.

3. If you have an iPhone 4 or later you know the sheer bliss of the Retina display (cue the angel choir). I really believe the 10″ Retina display comes close to justifying the purchase. I held off on iPad 2 because I was disappointed there was no Retina display, but boy was it worth the wait. This thing dazzles.

If you have an iPad what are your favorite apps? I’ve only had mine for a few days so I am hoping productivity will increase to it’s normal level soon.


  1. Joe Gormong

    READING: Youversion, Glo Bible, BLB, WORDsearch, Kindle, Nook, iBooks, iTunesU, SYM, GroupHD, Dictionary, PDFReaderLite, Adobe Reader

    Social Media: FB, Google, Box, Netflix, HootSuite, Skype, Craigslist, Amazon, Google+

    Weather/TV/NEWS: Pulse News, TWC, Dish, Samsung Remote, Fox News, CNN, CBS Sports, NPR, USA Today, Flipboard

    MAC: Pages, Numbers, Live, LogMeIn, Stage Display (pro presenter) ProRemote (Pro Presenter)

    Media, Pandora, Instagram, iMovie, GarageBand, iPhoto, Remote, Vimeo, Snapseed, uStream, Air Display

    Travel: Tripit, Trip Advisor, Hotels.comHD, Google Earth, Alarm Clock

    Writing: Evernote, Notepad, Skitch, Easy Note, Dragon Dictation, WordPress, Notes, EchoSign

    Exercise: WW Mobile, WW Scanner WW Kitchen AF Locator (Anytime Fitness) MyFitnessPal, Ease into 5k,

    Finance: Calculator Pro, Discover, Amex for iPad

    Handy Level

  2. Matt

    Joe, you hit all the good ones. There’s a new one out called “Pocket” that let’s you store all the articles, websites, or blogs that you want to check you, but you just don’t have the time. Hit one button and it goes to your “Pocket” all in one place. And it’s FREE!!!

  3. Noah Starksen


    You mention having students register for camp on the iPad. I was wondering what app you use for this? Or if you just have a pages document that they fill in certain area? I am looking for a good app that students could come and check into an event, just by putting in their name.

    • Jon

      We have used forms on our website. Students can access the form and submit it from the iPad.


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