I don’t know if you’ve ever checked out this book, Teaching Through the Art of Storytelling: Creating Fictional Stories that Illuminate the Message of Jesus, but I highly recommend it. Story and narrative are my favorite way to teach and this is a great resource to help with that.
From the publisher:
As communicators in a culture saturated with storylines, we have the profound opportunity to invite our students into the masterful Story of God. There are a variety of ways to invite our students into this Story, but this book discusses and explores how to teach through one of Jesus’ most powerful modes of communication–fictional storytelling. Rabbinical storytelling (otherwise known as Jewish Agada) embraces the narrative of Scripture and invites its listeners into understanding and participation. Our Rabbi, Jesus, employed this mode of communication through his parables. Approaching the topic as a theologian, philosopher and artist, Jon invites and teaches how to create modern-day parables that illuminate the message of Jesus. These stories do not simply illustrate the message; they are, in fact, the message. Whether hoping to articulate deep theological concepts or relevant topics, teaching through the art of fictional storytelling has the potential to engage and invite our students into The Story.
In this book:
*You will learn how to create your own fictional stories (modern day parables) that use a realistic setting, engaging characters and a thought provoking plot to communicate a specific topic.*You are given practical worksheets that offer guidance in developing such stories
*Jon includes a variety of stories he has developed over his years of youth ministry and offers them as a resource to any youth pastor/communicator.
And the best part is right now it’s on sale for $1.99 for the Kindle Edition and iBooks Edition. Hurry, I’m not sure how long this price will last.
Just bought it and read the first chapter on my new iPad 3 (drool). I love how accessible this book is. This subject is a fascination of mine so I wanted to share a few “next step” references:
1. Introduction to Old Testament Theology and Pentateuch as Narrative. Both by John Sailhamer. These books have been invaluable to my view of the scriptures and their purpose.
2. Scripture As Communication by Jeanine Brown. Great intro to hermeneutics.
3. Eat This Book by Eugene Peterson. Awesome work on “feeding” on the scriptures.