3 Ways Siri Will Make You Look Better

Administration | iOS
October 23, 2012

apple-siriA couple weeks ago I purchased my first iOS device with Siri, and she has been making me look much better and more thoughtful in ministry.  In case you haven’t begun to leverage her skills for ministry, here’s how I have been using her to make my ministry more successful and organized.

  1. Lists – Any list you create in reminders can be added to using Siri.  For example, I have a staff list to keep up with the things I need to bring up in staff meetings.  So, when I remember something for staff meeting while I’m on my way to a soccer game I say “Siri, add ‘egg nogg chug mess’ to my staff list.  I have tons of lists: shopping, pastor, staff, study, books, etc.  Now that my brain has been uploaded to the cloud, I am getting more done on time.
  2. Reminders – After someone grabs me in church to tell me about an upcoming job interview on Monday, I often think: I need to call them and ask how that went on Tuesday.  Now I duck into an office or empty room and say “Siri, Remind me to call James about his job interview Tuesday at 5pm.”  Then, my phone reminds me to be a caring pastor at the right time.
  3. Not Dying – Why is it that everyone decides to text me when I’m driving.  Now, I would never have read and responded while driving in the past, but I know people who do.  Now, I ask Siri to read the texts to me and can respond without ever taking my eyes off the road.

What feels great is that these things that I truly wanted to do that were missed are getting done.  Mainly because Siri has made the tools I already had easily accessible.  How has Siri helped your ministry?


  1. Nate Sallee

    I’ve had Siri for a few months but am still learning how helpful she can be. One big help that I’ve discovered is the function where you can tell Siri to remind you of something when you leave home. As soon as I leave the location service recognizes I’m on the road and Siri can remind me to do whatever I need to do, from picking up milk to making that call that I’d much rather do on the road!


  2. christianguys

    I have been using Siri for texting for quite a while! It is great for making sure you don’t take your eyes off the road!



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