
The hub for all things Chris
Special: Training on the Go

Special: Training on the Go

This may not be super geeky, but it's a super great deal.  You can pick up Youth Leader Training on the Go for only $7.99 (Retail $29.99).  It's a great resource from Doug Fields for keeping your volunteers trained and encouraged.  It contains 52 training sessions...

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What Presentation Software Do You Use?

I've had a lot of conversations lately about presentation software, and I would love to know what you use in your ministry.  I know we had a similar poll a few months back, but it's seems like a lot of people have been switching and thought it would be interesting to...

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Review: Times RSS Reader

After thinking about the latest Macheist, seeing all the tweets touring the great deals, and the new, amazing apps unlocked by selling enough to donate over $400,000 to charity, I caved. Boy am I glad I did! I found an amazing RSS reader app. To call Times an RSS...

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Win a Website for a Year

Win a Website for a Year

My friends at would love to get your opinon on a few things.  Take their survey for a chance ot win a custom website for a year.  That's a $1000 value for a few minutes. LINK: SnapShot Survey

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Holy Week Texting Freebie

I know a lot of people are using text messaging as a communication tool in their ministries, but have you ever thought of using it as an actual worship tool?  There's a Freebie over at that lays out an order of worship for a worship service that...

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Review: Flip MinoHD

Review: Flip MinoHD

I have been playing with the Flip Video MinoHD Camcorder for a few weeks now, and I have to say, it's one of the best gadgets I've got in a while.  It is super easy to use: Turn the power on and hit the red button to record.  It has a small zoom, but it's not going to...

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SimplyTXT Now with Reply

I written about SimplyTxt before, but I wanted to highlight a new feature: Reply.  Now when you send out a text to an individual or a group they can reply back and you get the message in your "Message Stream."  It always was a great tool to blast out messages to your...

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Follow Us on Twitter

Follow Us on Twitter

I launched our very own Twitter account for today.  You can find us as YMGeek.  Follow us for updates from the blog as well as breaking news, and other helpful tidbits.  I plan I updating it with little software finds and other articles that I...

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MacHeist is Back

MacHeist is Back

For all the Mac users out there, one of the best Mac bundles is back.  Mac Heist unveiled their bundle tonight.  There some great stuff in there. I really recommend it.  At only $39 you can't miss.  There some great image software that I know I will use a lot.  There...

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Update Twitter, Facebook and Myspace with one click!

Update Twitter, Facebook and Myspace with one click!

I have to say that of all the tools I have found, dulls the pain of updating mutiple social networking sites better than anything else.  If you have friends and students split between twitter, myspace and facebook, the chore of updating statuses and tweets...

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