I don't know about you, but I love gadgets. And a great new site launched this week just for all of us who share that love of shiny, electronic toys. It's from Peter Rojas and Ryan Block, two of the masterminds behind engadget and gizmodo, so they know something...
The hub for all things ChrisLive Streaming
I got a question the other day about how to live stream an event. This person had a great idea, they wanted to live stream some of the chapel times at camp for the parents back home so they could feel a part of what was going on. I thought it was a great application...
Quick Tip: Download Youtube Easily
This is not the first time we have talked about this subject. Brandon wrote an excellent article on it. There are several tools, but none quite as easy as pwnyoutube.com. It does not require you to download any software or even copy a url. Simply add "pwn" before...
iPhone 3.0: Initial Thoughts
Well, I've been using the new iPhone 3.0 software for almost 12 hours now. Here are some of my initial thoughts: Search: I think the way they implemented this by having it be to the left of the main screen is interesting. Although I found myself swiping into...
Friday Fun: Twitter Tracker
I don't know about you, but I'm very excited that Conan has taken over the Tonight Show. And one of his bits is my pick for Friday Fun. He has started a Twitter Tracker to track all those fascinating celebrity tweets. Check Out the video: And if you want more...
Record High Quality Audio at a Reasonable Price
I often have people ask me how to make good sounding recordings of their youth bands, sermons, or voice overs for videos without spending a fortune on gear. Before I found out about the Shure X2u, I'd recommend a cool mic like the blue snoflake or snowball. The Shure...
40% off, 40 Free Backgrounds, and 40 Free Movie Tickets
It's 40 40 40 sale time at Simply Youth Ministry. If you are looking for a great deal on some great youth ministry resources, for the next 40 hours you can get 40% off at SimplyYouthMinistry.com for 3 days only. You can also grab 40 free backgrounds. Want to win 40...
Apple’s WWDC Keynote
Well it's almost upon us, the Keynote for WWDC. For those of you who aren't familiar with the workings of Apple, WWDC stands for the World Wide Developer Conference. They hold it every summer, and the last few years it has become home for big announcements from...
Prezi: Amazing Flying Presentations
I am amazed. I have just spent the past several minutes toying around with what could be one of the most interesting tools I have ever found. It's called Prezi. Saying that Prezi is about making presentations is like saying that Porche is about making combustion...
Friday Fun: 80’s TV Star Wars Mashup
It's that time again for Friday Fun. This weeks entry is also is also a video that involves my favorite movie Star Wars, in fact I combined a bunch of videos from this same genre into one post. I love these videos becuase not only do include Star Wars, but also...