
The hub for all things Mac

Mac Update Bundle

Sorry for another sales post, but it's such a good deal I couldn't resist.  I know many of you are Mac users, so I wanted to let you know about a great deal on some software.  The folks over at MacUpdate have put together a holiday bundle (click to graphic above to...

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The Mapple Store

Love Apple or hate them, this is pretty funny. This actually makes an interesting discussion starter on material things.

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Mac Users Forum, NYWC Nashville

Mac Users Forum, NYWC Nashville

Thanks for everyone that came out for this.  Here's the links of all we talked about: OS X Features that make life easier: Spotlight, Print to PDF, Expose, Spaces, quick look, dashboard, Learn the keystrokes (find them in system preferences under keyboard and mouse...

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Bee Docs’ Timeline

Bee Docs’ Timeline

This takes your average, boring type of timeline talk and adds an incredibly interesting visual element that transcends the common timeline.

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Turn Your Digital Pictures Into Polaroids

Turn Your Digital Pictures Into Polaroids

I'm going to date myself here, but do you remember Polaroid cameras?  I used to love to take pictures and get them instantly.  (Believe it or not, I still have one)  Well, I just found this fun little piece of software that allows you to turn any digital picture into...

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Mac Users Forum, Pittsburgh

Mac Users Forum, Pittsburgh

Sorry it's so late, but here's the notes from our gathering in Pittsburgh Sunday night. Thanks for everyone who came, it was a great time: Things we love about OS X: Bonjour: great for quick connections to other macs for file sharing, chating Print to PDF: useful for...

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Mac Users Forum, Sacramento

Mac Users Forum, Sacramento

Here are the notes from the Mac Users forum at the National Youth Workers Convention in Sacramento.  Thanks for everyone who came out.  For those of you looking for the notes from the Social Media workshop, they will be up tomorrow. Feel free to add anything I forgot...

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Evernote: My Extra Brain

Evernote: My Extra Brain

I often have a hard time with losing receipts, forgetting what that note someone slipped me said, or other similar slippery details. Evernote fixes that for me.

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New Apple Notebooks

New Apple Notebooks

For all you mac geeks out there, the rumored notebook event has been officially announced.  Next Tues we'll get to see what those apple engineers have cooked up for us.  I've been waiting to replace my old 12in powerbook, I hope they have something smaller than 13in...

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Question for Mac Users

I will be conducting some Youth Worker Mac user forums over the next couple month at the ys conventions and would love to hear from you what topics or issues would be most helpful for me to be ready to cover. Just leave them in the comments below. Also if you are...

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