Microsoft’s new ad refuting the brilliant “I’m a mac” campaign serves as a great illustration for talks on identity.
The hub for all things MacHow do I download video from YouTube?
The question I am asked most when talking tech with other youth workers is, “How do I download video from YouTube?” In the past I used a Firefox extension: Or sites like:
Great Tech Podcasts
I love tech podcasts. Here are a couple of should-not-miss podcasts centered around our favorite pastime: technology.
Delicious Library
Have you ever been looking for a resource and couldn’t remember who you lent it to? That is the task set out to be remedied by Delicious Library. All your resources are entered by holding the product’s bar code up to the camera on your computer, and Delicious Library then downloads all the information including an image of the Book, DVD or CD Cover or product image of the drill, microwave, or toy from Amazon’s product database and then places them on the shelf in your virtual library.
iPhone, Yes or No
<a href ="" >Are you getting an iPhone 3G</a> <br/> <span style="font-size:9px;" mce_style="font-size:9px;"> (<a href =""> surveys</a>)</span>
iPhone Week
It's no secret that Apple's new iPhone 3G will be available this Friday around the world. And I'm still trying to decide if I'm going to get one. There are a lot of factors to consider, but this post isn't about my personal gadget journey. Even though I'm not in the...
Learn to Podcast in 12 Minutes
The folks over at Apple have posted a new set on of online seminars. I've taken part in a number of their seminars in the past, they have always been well done. A question I often get is "How can I start podcasting?," and this should be a great introduction. It was...
Favorite Presentation Software
What is your Presentation Software of Choice? ( surveys)