You may have noticed a lot of sites on the web went "black" today. If you tired to find something on Wikipedia you were met with a black screen telling you that the internet must remain free. I've talked to many people that have no idea what this is talking about....
The hub for all things Media10 Favorites from 2011
Here are some of my favorites from 2011: 1. MacBook Air - I love this little computer. Great for travel, and super fast. 2. Sticky Faith - These books have really made me think a lot about youth ministry and being a parent. I highly recommend them. Plus check out...
2011 Told Through Twitter – Year in Review Video
This is an awesome video retelling 2011 in tweets. ht Brandon Early
David Crowder Crowd Source Christmas Video | Youth Specialties
Over at YS we did a little experiment. We told the 4000 youth workers at NYWC in Atlanta to all record a David Crowder Band song and then upload it to YouTube. The genius that is Brad Sitton then took all the footage and made this incredible video out of it. Enjoy!...
Video: The Hobbit Trailer
OK, this one is definitely on the geeky side, and I know it's a year away, but I'm super excited. Maybe Peter Jackson will visit Comic Con again this summer with some Hobbit goodness. Dare to dream.
Vader, Did You Know?
This is such a great mashup of two things that I love, Christmas and Star Wars. The song "Mary did you know?" and Star Wars seem an unlikely pairing, but it's awesome. Thanks to Marko for posting it.
Video: Bethlehem Rhapsody
I saw this from a number of people today on Facebook, so you might have seen it already, but if you are looking for a fun video to show for Chirstmas, this might be it: If you need a few more try these Digital Nativity and Mr Bean.
Free Digital Film School
Have you ever wanted to learn more about movie making even if it's just to make your Youth Group videos better? I just saw this class over on iTunes U that might help. It's an 18 part class to help jump start your digital movie making. It covers both iMovie and...
Xtranormal Video
Xtranormal is a digital animation company that allows you to create your own movies! Just think of the applications: camp rules, announcements, topic teaser, discussion starter, mid=week shout...
Happy Thanksgiving!
We wanted to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. There's so much to be thankful for, and I hope and pray we can all take some time today to reflect on it. But in the mean time, here's a little Thanksgivng fun. Follow William Shatner's lead and be safe this year! Happy...