
The hub for all things Web

Get Rid of Your Cable Bill

With every announcement of a major media company making their content available for free (with ads, of course) online, I have inched closer and closer to freeing myself of the tyranny of my local cable company. The major hangup for me has been that all those companies...

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MobileMe or Not for Me

A few weeks ago I let me MobileMe account expire.  I was a decision that I've been contemplating for awhile.  I had mentioned it over Twitter and someone asked what I decided, so I thought I would share my reasoning why I decided I no longer needed to spend $99 a year...

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Finding the Best Fast Food Exits

Summer's coming, and we are all gearing up for traveling with busloads (or church vanloads) of teens to random places throughout the country for camps, mission trips and all around fun. But how do you know where to stop for lunch? How can you find the exit or town...

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Create Your Own Youtube

I have recently stumbled upon a service called Fliggo. It is focused on creating websites to share your videos.  It can create a site that is more as gallery, or one more like a Vlog where each video has comments or as a video sharing community similar to YouTube...

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The 100 Most Iconic Internet Videos

Got some time to kill?  Here are The 100 Most Iconic Internet Videos.  Lot's of classics here you may have forgotten.  Here's the Top 10: 10. Sneezing Baby Panda 9. 'Lazy Sunday' 8. Where the Hell Is Matt? 7. David After Dentist 6. 'Never Gonna Give You Up' (Rick...

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This is been making the rounds, but it's so funny.  I don't know if I'm ready for nano-blogging, I think I will stick with Twitter.  And if you're on Twitter don't forget to follow us: @YMGeek.

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New Gmail Mobile

Gmail introduced its new Gmail for Mobile web app for Andriod, iPhone, and iPod touch. They have tweaked the interface to allow for easier searching and basic archive, delete, etc. functions, but the most interesting update is that the app allows for offline reading...

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Win a Website for a Year

Win a Website for a Year

My friends at SnapShotWeb.com would love to get your opinon on a few things.  Take their survey for a chance ot win a custom website for a year.  That's a $1000 value for a few minutes. LINK: SnapShot Survey

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Holy Week Texting Freebie

I know a lot of people are using text messaging as a communication tool in their ministries, but have you ever thought of using it as an actual worship tool?  There's a Freebie over at YouthMinistry.com that lays out an order of worship for a worship service that...

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