I launched our very own Twitter account for YouthMinistryGeek.com today. You can find us as YMGeek. Follow us for updates from the blog as well as breaking news, and other helpful tidbits. I plan I updating it with little software finds and other articles that I...
The hub for all things WebMacHeist is Back
For all the Mac users out there, one of the best Mac bundles is back. Mac Heist unveiled their bundle tonight. There some great stuff in there. I really recommend it. At only $39 you can't miss. There some great image software that I know I will use a lot. There...
Communicating Throughout the Week
Here's another video from Tim Schmoyer for a session he did in the media center at the National Youth Ministry Conference last week. He talks about the tools he uses to keep the lines of communication open between him and the students and parents in his ministry....
Quick Tip: Google Text Message Translation, etc.
Did you know you can text message Google for translations, flight status, addresses, stocks, movies, directions, math, and a lot more? You simply send a properly formatted text message to 46645 and it replies almost instantly with the info you requested. By properly...
Blogger Panel from NYMC
Here's the video from the Blogger Panel from National Youth Ministry Conference a few weeks ago. The panel was made up of Josh Griffin (MorethanDodgeBall.com), Tim Schmoyer (TimSchmoyer.com), Chuck Bomar (CollegeMinistryThoughts.com), and Me. Although I was more AV...
No Facebook for Lent?
I don't know how many of you out there participate in giving something up for lent, but if you are, how about Facebook. Really, that's just what a WallStreet Journal Report is talking about. Here's a bit of it: Ms. Wentland, who is 38, recently got in touch with a...
Great TV Experiment
I know a lot of people that have been abandoning traditional cable and satellite TV services and moving all their viewing to online sources. Some are doing it to save money, others are doing it to cut down on the amount of TV their family is consuming. One of those...
Bill Gates at TED
I think the stuff that comes out of the TED conference is some of the best on the net. If you're not familiar with TED it's a conference and the name stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design. The talks are diverse and I almost always find them fascinating. One...
GodTube now Tangle
A few weeks ago I wrote about how GodTube was changing it's name. Today we found out what that name is: Tangle.com. Here's a video from their CEO explaining the new name and vision: What do you think? Will you use it?
Facebook Turns 5
Everyone's favorite social network turns 5 years old today. It's come a long way the past few years, a lot of people never thought it could catch up to the mighty MySpace. In order to celebrate FaceBook has added a special free gift in their gift shop to give to...