A Florida teen streamed his suicide on Justin.tv earlier this week (ABC news story) and 185 people watched as he overdosed. At first I thought it was a hoax, but it appears to be true. It appears that people in the chat of the stream were encouraging him to do it as...
The hub for all things WebAdvent Conspiracy Video
I found this great, challenging advent video on YouTube that we will be using at our large group gathering in the next couple of weeks.
Mac Users Forum, Pittsburgh
Sorry it's so late, but here's the notes from our gathering in Pittsburgh Sunday night. Thanks for everyone who came, it was a great time: Things we love about OS X: Bonjour: great for quick connections to other macs for file sharing, chating Print to PDF: useful for...
I saw this on the twitter stream this morning, and thought I would pass it along. The folks over at LifeChurch.tv launched a new free service this morning called ChurchMetrics.com to help track attendance, giving, and other key indicators of how things are going. It...
Six Tools for Twitter
This is for all you twitter users out there. I saw this over on CNET today, it's a listing of Six "Social Secretaries for Twitter." I thought it was a pretty good list. I use some of them and some of them I haven't heard of but are worth taking a look at (like the...
Evernote: My Extra Brain
I often have a hard time with losing receipts, forgetting what that note someone slipped me said, or other similar slippery details. Evernote fixes that for me.
Free Resources
I love free resources...did I even need to say that? Obviously some free stuff is free for a reason but you still might be able to glean something form it. Maybe there is a usable series title, or a lesson to pass off to leader, or there could be a graphic to grab for...
12 Seconds
Recently, thanks to some twitter friends and tweetdeck, I have been exposed to a new little website called 12seconds. 12seconds.tv is like twitter, in video form. As in, you only have a small amount of space (12 seconds, duh) in which to express a thought or idea. You...
Determining Legitimacy
It seems that every time I take my kids to a conference or other large ministry event, I am offered an opportunity to support one or more Christian charities. The thought that is always racing through my head is “Are these guys Legit?”
New Browser Coming from Google
If you're like me you're always on the look our for a shiny new toy. Well today Google is releasing it's own web browser, named Chrome (how's that for shiny?). It's based on webkit, the same technology under the hood of Safari. They've released a comic book to...