
The hub for all things Apple

Apple’s WWDC Keynote

Well it's almost upon us, the Keynote for WWDC.  For those of you who aren't familiar with the workings of Apple, WWDC stands for the World Wide Developer Conference.  They hold it every summer, and the last few years it has become home for big announcements from...

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New Gmail Mobile

Gmail introduced its new Gmail for Mobile web app for Andriod, iPhone, and iPod touch. They have tweaked the interface to allow for easier searching and basic archive, delete, etc. functions, but the most interesting update is that the app allows for offline reading...

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The Mapple Store

Love Apple or hate them, this is pretty funny. This actually makes an interesting discussion starter on material things.

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Mac Users Forum, Sacramento

Mac Users Forum, Sacramento

Here are the notes from the Mac Users forum at the National Youth Workers Convention in Sacramento.  Thanks for everyone who came out.  For those of you looking for the notes from the Social Media workshop, they will be up tomorrow. Feel free to add anything I forgot...

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New Apple Notebooks

New Apple Notebooks

For all you mac geeks out there, the rumored notebook event has been officially announced.  Next Tues we'll get to see what those apple engineers have cooked up for us.  I've been waiting to replace my old 12in powerbook, I hope they have something smaller than 13in...

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iPhone, Yes or No

<a href ="" >Are you getting an iPhone 3G</a> <br/> <span style="font-size:9px;" mce_style="font-size:9px;"> (<a href =""> surveys</a>)</span>

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Learn to Podcast in 12 Minutes

Learn to Podcast in 12 Minutes

The folks over at Apple have posted a new set on of online seminars. I've taken part in a number of their seminars in the past, they have always been well done. A question I often get is "How can I start podcasting?," and this should be a great introduction. It was...

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