iShowU HD is the swiss army knife of video capture applications. Basically, any portion of anything on your screen can be captured and turned into a movie as well as allowing the program to simply follow your mouse from one area to another. Say you are working in...
The hub for all things youtubeUpload HD from your iPhone with PixelPipe
It is frustrating to have to allow some app to compress you video or image files before you can upload them to your intended destination. Also frustrating is the cap on "over the air" uploading from your iPhone even when it is connected to WIFI. To top it all off, I...
Crazy Video: How to Pull Out a Tooth with a Rocket
I'm not quite sure what I can add to this, but my son thought this looked like a good idea. I think I should be afraid.
YouTube Again
The number one tech question I am asked is still, “How do you download a youtube clip?” Well I have a new favorite and a Vimeo video grabber that has been great! The youtube grabber is simple and sweet! Just remove the “http://www.” and replace it with the word...
Quick Tip: Download Youtube Easily
This is not the first time we have talked about this subject. Brandon wrote an excellent article on it. There are several tools, but none quite as easy as It does not require you to download any software or even copy a url. Simply add "pwn" before...
How do I download video from YouTube?
The question I am asked most when talking tech with other youth workers is, “How do I download video from YouTube?” In the past I used a Firefox extension: Or sites like: